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Alfonso Losa
954 55 97 40
One of CITIUS main objectives is to offer a variety of integrated technological instruments providing a service to companies.
CITIUS is instrumental to the science-technology-corporate axis and is articulated by means of four different modalities:
Performance of analyses and tests
All companies can access the entire CITIUS infrastructure and analysis capabilities. Companies can therefore use CITIUS capabilities in as many as four different ways:

Since the first CITIUS building was inaugurated in March 2004, CITIUS has performed studies of all kinds for over 200 companies. Just a few of these are:

Hosting innovation companies R+D+i departments
This modality is one that provides the greatest benefits to both parties, based on the very close connection established between the University-Company.
This option comprises hosting Joint Research, Development and Innovation Laboratories in CITIUS buildings.
Three major companies currently have Joint Laboratories within CITIUS.
Public-private cooperation agreements
Los convenios de colaboración son una herramienta de gran utilidad para estrechar lazos entre diferentes instituciones. Permiten así establecer alianzas que van más allá de una simple relación comercial entre ambas partes. Son más de 80 las empresas y organismos con los que CITIUS ha establecido convenios de colaboración. Algunos ejemplos de convenios con organismos públicos:

Incubator for technology-based companies during the initial stages
CITIUS provides space in three buildings for university spinoffs and other technology-based entities, where they can install their own laboratories.
CITIUS not only offers space and laboratories but also instruments and technological support. CITIUS can also assist in establishing contacts with other entities to create synergies.
With that initial support helping to strengthen the Company, it can then go on and face challenges in the specific environment in which company operates. This also serves as a model for other companies in the embryonic stage.
Some of the companies that have used this model with CITIUS.
The combined University of Seville -Endesa laboratory (LUSEND ), inaugurated in March 2006, is a perfect example of University-Company interrelationships, capable of generating substantial added value services. LUSEND basically comprises a laboratory covering the whole of Spain and specialises in predictive maintenance of energy transformers by dielectric fluid analysis. The main areas of laboratory activity are:
Homologation and Dielectric Fluid Quality Control. Dielectric fluids are the cheapest component of energy transformers. Proper selection of the correct fluid and monitoring over the long term ensures they remain good for purpose and provide guaranteed service.
Early diagnosis of electromagnetic circuit faults. Early diagnosis of electromagnetic circuit faults achieves a 40% fault detection rate and is a fundamental tool for practical maintenance. This is not only due to the savings gained with regard to annual cost provisions to cover faults, but also due to the ability to prevent serious effects.
Evaluation of cellulose insulation wearing and useful life estimations. Accurate useful life estimations help to improve asset management practices and to optimise companies’ investment policies.
One of Endesa’s strategic objectives is to lead innovation and the journey to achieve this requires the solidity, experience and knowledge CITIUS provides through its extensive team of professionals.

Fertiberia Group is a multinational group of companies with a presence in various sectors and countries, forming the Chemical and Fertilisers Divisions of the Villar Mir Group. Fertiberia Group came into being in 1995 and has since then been the lead company in the production and marketing of fertilisers in Spain. The group has 15 production centres in Spain, Portugal and Algeria with an annual capacity of almost eight million tonnes between intermediary and end products.
Close cooperation between Fertiberia Group and the University of Seville has materialised in the creation of the agri-environmental Technologies Centre (CTA Fertiberia), located within CITIUS. This collaboration has helped to establish Fertiberia Agricultural Innovation Management in a first-class technological and academic environment and fostered the development of joint research projects increasing the degree of innovation and company competitiveness.
At the heart of CTA Fertiberia there is an Agricultural Laboratory for analysis of soils, foliage and water. The analyses carried out form the basis for personalised and free fertiliser recommendations. The laboratory can perform more than 10,000 analyses and fertiliser recommendations each year.
Additionally, CTA Fertiberia has an R+D+i laboratory to carry out activities aimed at improving the efficiency of current production processes as well as for developing new and more efficient transformation processes that are safe and have regard for the environment. New fertiliser products are also researched and developed.

Plus Vitech is an Andalusian company founded in 2013 as a spin-off from the Andalusian Public Health System. Its aim is to develop and validate effective, precise and sustainable methods for the diagnosis and treatment of prevalent diseases.
It is located at the Center for Research, Technology and Innovation of the University of Seville (CITIUS III) and is made up of a multidisciplinary team with extensive experience in basic and translational research.
Plus Vitech is committed to the professional career development of its researchers and has agreements with the University of Seville and the Research Institute of the University of Salamanca (IBSAL), among other institutions, which allows the development of high-impact collaborative activities.

Founded in 2008, Amarna Therapeutics is a privately-held, pre-clinical biotech company developing transformative, potentially curative gene therapies for a range of rare and prevalent diseases based on its fully-integrated gene therapy platform combining SuperVeroTM packaging cells with its SV40-based SVecTM gene delivery vector system. SVecTM is unique in its intrinsic capacity to deliver transgenes, without eliciting immune responses to neither the vector nor to the transgene product. Leveraging this ‘natural’ non-immunogenicity feature of its gene delivery system in humans, Amarna is developing a broad pipeline of safe, effective and durable gene therapies focused on genetic disorders, autoimmune and chronic inflammatory diseases.
Amarna’s head office is based in Leiden Bio Science Park, the Netherlands, with a subsidiary located in Seville, Spain. In March 2022 Amarna signed a collaboration agreement with the University of Seville. Part of the agreement is the opening of a research facility in the CITIUS-III building. In this facility Amarna will further develop and expand its activities dedicated to the development of safe and effective treatments for autoimmune and inflammatory conditions.