University of Seville Research, Technology and Innovation Centre (CITIUS) brings together 15 University of Seville General Research Services.

CITIUS is formed of 3 buildings with more than 15,000 m² total surface area, with highly qualified and specialist personnel on hand and latest generation scientific-technical equipment.

What services does the Centre provide?

The Centre provides functional and instrument support for performing research, technology and innovation activities.

CITIUS offers an integrated response to real problems and highly complex test results. The Centre makes high quality installations available to users, managing and coordinating research and innovation projects with companies, teaches specialist courses, carries out scientific dissemination tasks, and so much more.

Who can use this service?

University of Seville set up CITIUS in 2004 to optimise the General Research Services operations, as part of the University overall strategy for strengthening its Science-Technology-Corporate system.

CITIUS is therefore one of the agents around which the University of Seville R+D+i is articulated, supporting both the University and other Public Research Bodies (OPI), as well as companies.

Commitment to quality and to the environment

One of CITIUS core principles is commitment to the quality of services CITIUS provides to clients. CITIUS is committed to continually improve the efficacy of the services provided. An integral part of CITIUS commitment to quality standards and environmental protection standards comprises ongoing actions to improve energy efficiency and optimise natural resources. CITIUS holds the following certificates - ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and BS OHSAS 18001:2007.

Training and dissemination

Dissemination of knowledge to society is an essential aspect and forms part of University of Seville DNA, therefore also of CITIUS. A variety of activities serve to articulate this essential task of dissemination.

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